Monday, March 1, 2010

My little guy is 2

So we had a pretty special day around here yesterday/today. Owen turned two! I can hardly believe I am the mom of a two year old. I remember being helpless in the hospital, way too soon, not knowing if he was going to make it or not. It was an amazing, absolutely heart-wrenching time in my life, which began the amazing, absolutely heart-wrenching rest of my life being Owen's mom.

It was a fun day. I tried to do things that the birthday boy would like. We went for a train ride from Wheaton out to Geneva where Joe met us. Owen was a little awe-struck I think.

Our original plan was just to have a cup of coffee at the Caribou to warm up, but we decided to have lunch at a deli across the street. It was a good decision.

After Owen's nap we ate corned beef and cabbage for the Irish folks, and we ate this Elmo cake that I made (I know, can you believe it came out looking this good??) I owe it all to my Aunt Nancy, who is a professional cake maker/decorator. I can't imagine a childhood without her cake scraps! Ah, if she only knew how many times I snuck into her fridge to help myself to frosting...

This is Owen waking up from his nap and beholding his beautiful birthday cake, murmuring, Elmo, Elmo.

This is Owen almost burning his face trying to blow out his candles. You can see Brit thought he was a goner. Then I traumatized him by cutting right into Elmo and serving him up. Mostly Owen just wanted ice cream.

And here he is enjoying his birthday. He got some really great presents from everybody. Thanks everybody! It was great. Also now he won't nap because he has too many fun things to play with. Yeah, thanks everybody.

So I tried to make it special and I hope he remembers his 2nd birthday forever. I had a pretty good time. I'm a horrible party planner/special events coordinator but I think this one went off without a hitch! Happy Monday everyone!


Brian O'Mara-Croft said...

Happy birthday, Owen!

And congrats to you for surviving two years of motherhood. Here's the good news--it only gets worse.


Robin said...

Happy birthday little guy and hope you are having a great day Aimee. I love your blog! I know you from the LAT crossword. Robin