Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What are they going to be?

So exciting, I found all these great plaid shirts at the goodwill down the street from me. I kinda think $5 per shirt is a little steep, but it is in this overpriced area, and I am "supporting their mission." So okay. Aren't they great?? I wish I was a dude; it would be so easy to look cool by shopping at the thrift stores! Alas, I will have to turn them into something other than clothing.

I also got a totally great Pyrex bowl for $3. I've seen collections of these and just love the way they look together. It must be the cheerful colors. This is the first in my collection!

Also took a few pictures of Owen this morning, being his crazy, naughty, almost 2-year-old self. These are my going-out-to-get-the-paper-in-sub-zero-temperatures shoes. He ran in with them saying, "Peas, peas!" I just can't refuse that face. Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can you resist when he says, "Peas, peas!" When can he come to Grandpa and Grandma's house?
What are they going to be? Let us know, let us know.