Thursday, January 14, 2010

Owen's crying...

I was hoping he was going to fall back asleep but it doesn't look like that's the case. So this will be quick!

I just wanted to post a picture of my newly finished December 08 scrapbook page for Owen's book. I did it in about an hour and a half from start to finish, which is pretty good considering I've taken a little hiatus from scrapping lately. I'm totally ready for the Wisconsin Dells trip, which is only about a month away, woo hoo!

This is as good as I can get the picture. The scanner just isn't big enough. The journal section says:

"Owen, December was different this year with you around. Less shopping at the malls and more done online. Decorations set where you couldn't reach them. A star-shaped stocking hanger bought and hung with your new stocking next to the five others that spelled out PEACE. Cookies baked only during your naptime. Every stray piece of wrapping paper and ribbon quickly picked up before you could stuff it in your mouth. And of course, more abundant joy with a new baby to make everything fresh and new. You didn't understand what Christmas was all about, but you did love all the extra activity going on around you. Even during the Christmas Eve party at our house, you were passed without complaint from aunt to uncle to cousin until way past your bedtime. You woke up the next morning happy as can be and weren't very interested in opening your few presents under the tree. But you loved having your family all around you. And we loved having you with us too. Merry Christmas Owen!"

Merry Christmas indeed. Only a year behind...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is beautiful. 1-1/2 hours! Fantastic!