Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ugh tuesday

Still pretty uninspired around here.  Staying so busy that I'm trying to take the time to figure out what I really do all day and what I want to do all day.  I feel like I could clean and do dishes forever and still feel like my house is a mess.  Which makes my mind a bit of a mess too.  Sorry for the lapse in blogs.  I'm trying to remember why I blog in the first place.  I feel like I read all these beautiful blogs with wonderful ideas and projects and decorating stuff and fashion and art and wonderful pictures...  Then I come back here and I'm so unimpressed with my blog!  But it's a work in progress.  And really I'm not looking for any recognition or accolades, I'm just putting a little piece of my life in a spot where people can find it.  And that's enough.

I can do that head stand now without help.  Practice makes perfect.  

I'm working on a cleaning schedule so I can clean my whole house in a week or two.  Wish me luck.  I'm blessed to have a cleaning lady but it makes me feel bad that I can't clean my own house.  Or that I never know what has been cleaned/what needs to be cleaned.  I'd love to do it myself without complaining to my husband all the time.  You know, empowered instead of embittered.  

I feel like I used to share more ideas I would come across on this blog.  Let me share a couple now:

Check out Katie Daisy's blog.  It's beautiful.  

And this is a random one but check out Life With Little Ones.  These two boys are so sweet.  It makes me want to have another one...  yikes.  

One more you want to check out.  House Industries.  If only I'd been a typographer or whatever they're called.  They're giving away catalogs here.  Don't miss it.  I'm specifically thinking Emily and Sarah...  and Patty and Brian.  Almost everyone who reads my blog...

Thanks for reading, sorry about the lack of pictures.  I have to get moving :)




Sarah said...

Yes! Empowered instead of embittered...love it! I know what you mean about a cleaning schedule. I always let things go until I don't have a choice, but to clean it all at once and then it is so overwhelming! Remember the towels with the daily chores on them-Monday...laundry, Tuesday...ironing, etc. Now I get it! A little everyday.

and I love reading your blog, pictures or no. I just like having a little peek into your world!

Beth said...

Re: the page layout with the flowers...."Good girl Amiee. you put thread through all those button holes." (wink wink)