Sunday, May 9, 2010

The best day of the year

Happy Mother's Day!  I just want to say thank you to my mom for enduring everything we threw her way, for giving us the example of a strong woman who not only got through tough times but made them feel special, and now for encouraging me in my own endeavors as a mom.  My own little guy is crying in his crib right now, ready to get up, and it from this feeling of reluctance that I say to my mom, thank you.  For being a good mom in the not-so-fun moments of my life, for sticking with it, for mothering me even now.  

And for all you moms-of-toddlers out there, hang in there!  No matter if the effort seems bigger than the reward (Mother's Day brunch, for example!).  Our lives right now revolve around Cheerios, legos, basketballs hit with baseball bats, temper tantrums, runny noses, countless loose socks everywhere, shoes left out in the rain, diapers, meal after meal after meal, wet kisses, doses of Tylenol, time-outs, embarrassing episodes in random parking lots, and so much love.  But it is not forever.  And for that we can be thankful, and for that we should hold on as hard as we can to the little hands that reach up for ours.  To the bumps that need kisses.  To the endless calls for "Mommy, Mommy!"  To the feeling that we are absolutely in the right place at the right time, indispensable, heroic.  To the oxymoron that describes our love and exhaustion and irritation and devotion to these little people who share our last name (or our DNA and stubbornness, in my case).  Is there a word for it?!  Here's to you moms.  May we all wear our pride like a badge today (even if we'd rather celebrate Mother's day far away from our children...)!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amiee, Thank you for such kind words. But honestly, I was just a mom, yes, your mom, but just a mom. Day in, day out, doing what I needed to do, realizing that some day you would all grow up to be women influenced by how I parented. You are doing incredibly well, my dear friend. I love to watch you as you too be the mom you are supposed to be!