Monday, June 14, 2010

Holy Moly

So much has happened lately I can't even begin to summarize...  sorry!  Owen is taking all of my energy lately.  And I thought he was just going to skip those terrible twos!  Not so.  Wow I had no idea one child could be so nuts (and wonderfully so...)So I'll list:

My sister Emily was in town last week with her BF Billy.  Zero pictures taken but I enjoyed every minute.

Joe is hunting bears in the Yukon with Tommy.  He also ran a couple races with Brit, a 5K and a 10K.  These are our neighbors who ran the race too. 

The Hawks won the Stanley Cup  whoot whoot!

I joined the summer reading program at the Wheaton Library and read one of the best books ever, "The Power of the Dog," by Thomas Savage.  Holy crap it blew my mind. 

Owen and I went to Lit Fest in Printer's Row yesterday.  I don't think he noticed there were books there, but he did get a balloon and some soap (I know, how random is that??)  I also bought my brother-in-law's brand new book, "Lost in the Hive."  I find it extremely surreal that people I know are now writing books.  But cool...

Yoga and bike riding with Owen.

Grilling and eating outside.  Having coffee in the morning on the front porch, with the crossword or some kind of reading material.  I wish I could invite you all to my front porch, just between the hours of about 7-8am.  It's the perfect way to start the day.  And my garden is just exploding, in a really good way.  It's like a daily surprise to walk around and see what's going on.  I'm the crazy lady who talks to every plant and bird like we're on a first name basis...  yikes, and I'm only 30.  We'll just say I'm an old soul. 

Speaking of crazies, how awesome is my husband??

 Listening to music again.  I know I know, but I think I'm coming around to Belle and Sebastian.  She & Him.  Vampire Weekend.  The Weepies.  A Fine Frenzy.  Fleet Foxes.  Kate Nash.  60's girl groups.  Thinking about summer music festivals.  Maybe this year I will try to take Owen to a couple.

Donuts and kettle corn and fresh fruit and veggies at the farmer's market in Wheaton.  And my friend Gabby!  Mmmm, and donuts...

Playing outside all the time!  Bubbles, baseball, little swimming pools, sprinklers, watering cans, sandals, sunscreen...

That's all I can think of right now.  Now I don't have to talk to any of you for a really long time!  Unless I want to of course.  Hope all is well on your ends, readers :)


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