Monday, February 1, 2010

To Make You Happy

A gray Monday, but no complaints here. I had my last knee appointment with Dr. Watt, and he is happy with how things went. No heavy knee activities for another couple months, but mid-April I should be doing all the crazy things I do with my knees. You know, like crazy Whitney Houston dance moves. Hooray!

I watched Benny and Joon this weekend. Have you seen it? It's wonderful.

It also made me remember this song. What a couple weird looking dudes.

I always thought I would end up with someone more like Sam

but then again I thought I'd grow up to be a bit more like Joon

Neither of those things happened, thank goodness!

One more thing to leave you with. Got this song stuck in my head for some reason.

Thought you'd all like to be a part of my madness. And as long as I'm at it, here's some vintage Whitney Houston.

I hope you enjoy these blasts from the pasts. I am a bit annoyed myself but hopefully I have gotten it all out of my system! Nothing dates you like horrible music. And if you watched the Whitney Houston video, I hope you saw the fancy dance moves she had in there. Mid-April, I'll be back at it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is KQ from the Crossword Blog. Lots of bad 80's hair in those videos. Whitney looked like she was totally holding back on the dance moves through most of the video.

I finally posted some pics on the CW blog of my scrap pages. Better go there if you want to see them!