Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm too old...

Yes, it's true. Let it sink in... I'm officially too old for American Idol. I will never be up there, singing my heart out with Lady Gaga wannabes, trying to remember the words to some terrible pop song you hear a thousand times a day on 101.9 the MIX, or worse, LITE FM. I will never give a tearful, "I just want to make a better life for my family, please, please give me another shot!!" So sad. But also let it be known that my life on Tuesdays and Wednesdays revolves around this television show, and although I might act totally nonchalant a
nd cool if I miss it, know also that my DVR is looking out for me. Yes I know. I'm that girl.

On another note, I think I need a Ford Focus. Seriously. It records all your CDs for you and lets you call someone by saying, "Call Emily." Um, yeah. They thought of me and then thought of that feature. Because I haven't figured out how to use my phone yet anyway, let alone while I'm trying to operate a motorized vehicle.

There's also a ton of other cool stuff that it does but I don't know what. I'm sure it's awesome though. Plus it's almost identical to my last car I had until Owen came along, my little Honda Civic Hatchback. The smallest car known to man until they invented the Smart Car, or the Not-So-Smart Car, as my stepkids call it.

On another note, have you seen that Coke commercial?? It's so awesome. Like, so awesome. I mean, if I was born a commercial instead of a human being, I would be this commercial. I can't find it on youtube, which, I know, is a total disappointment, so I'm sorry. I used all my search words for it but can't find it. Don't worry I'm on the lookout. Emily, can you find it for me? It's like a cartoon of a hipster puppy and a metalhead bodybuilder who talk in music and they don't get each other and then their word bubbles mix and become parts of the same song! Or something like that.

Wow, what a boring post this is. In the past week I turned 30 and apparently lost my daggone mind. But I did go to the gym, put Owen in their daycare, and took a couple gentle yoga classes. Which felt great. That's me in that picture, looking pretty good for 30. I even took a shower there once. If I was writing Brit's health Pyramid report this weekend (Brit, my 6th grade stepdaughter) then I would report that I was working on the physical side of the pyramid since the mental side is slipping. Let's not talk about the social aspect of that pyramid. Yikes. Here's to the big three-ohhhhhhh.....

Oh, I should say that I had a really good birthday. My handsome husband got me a gift certificate to a little piece of heaven, Anthropologie. I haven't been there in person for a while so I'm so I'm really excited to see what their displays are like right now. If I worked there I would totally yoink all that stuff for my house...

And my friend Katie proved that I'm not too old to wear shirts like this:

Yeah, I know I'm fly. Thanks Katie!!

And I won a scrapbooking book from Mou Saha's blog !! How cool was that, on my friggin birthday! Plus I really wanted it in the first place. I entered at like, every blog that had the giveaway.

Also I just want to say, that I love this boy. Because of this:

and this:

Happy Wednesday!


Frenchie said...

Happy Birthday Amieeaya,
Be happy, live in this moment and make it your best birthday ever!

AmieeAya said...

Thanks Frenchie!! I so appreciate it :)