Tuesday, November 16, 2010

this is why

hi!  i have so much to share (what a weekend) but i don't have the time right now (owen is eating lunch almost on my lap as i type this).  but i wanted to give you this, just for now, just for today.  I never thought I'd say this, but I love scrapbooking.  When I said that to a non-scrapbooker last week she said, oh, owen will appreciate that when he's older.  I didn't have the heart (or the energy) to explain otherwise.  But Shimelle has done it for me.  Thanks Aunt Beth for sharing her site (I'd only seen her as a guest blogger on other sites before)!

Hope your week is going well, I'll share more as I get a chance!


1 comment:

Beth said...

I just KNEW you would love Shimelle. YOU are Shimelle - only cooler...because you're related to me & your mom. You could do what she does.