Saturday, March 20, 2010


No, those aren't bombs being dropped, or fishes swimming by. They are footprints.

Joe's running the Los Angeles Marathon tomorrow, his first and- he claims- last one. I just wanted to wish him luck. May the Vaseline be applied in all the right places honey.

On a more personal note I just watched Up In the Air, one of this year's best picture losers. Have you seen it? What did you think of it? I think the best movies are the ones that stay in your mind the longest. I did really like The Hurt Locker and was thrilled that it won. But I was surprised at this film's quiet honesty. Ugh, as I type that I cringe. But seriously, have you ever felt lonely? And wasn't it specifically just like that? Also the music. Anyway go see it.

Happy weekend to you all. It snowed all day today, all over the sprouting garden, all over the table and chairs on the back deck that my husband just pulled out this week. Why do I still live in Chicago again?? It's a curse I tell you.

Also thanks Frenchie. Nice to be understood without having to explain.

And go Joe!

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